952-856-0071 info@newbirthmidwifery.com 1580 White Oak Dr, Suite 275, Chaska, MN 55318

Mom to 1 boy & 1 girl—1 born at home

I am an HBAC. (Home Birth After Cesarean). My husband was very sick at the end of my first pregnancy. He was admitted to the ER 9 times in my last 7 weeks of pregnancy with a cardiac condition. The stress caused me not to dilate, which led to an induction, which led to an emergency cesarean. We want 4 children, and I knew my chances for being allowed to vbac in a hospital were slim.

I found Jenny around week 17 of my second pregnancy, and we clicked right away. She suggested tandem midwives, because I was at the far edge of her traveling range and I was due in March. I selected Vicky Edwards, and her midwife in training, Holly. My husband’s illness and my prior cesarean meant I had to go through extra testing, but it was so reassuring to have someone there who wasn’t going to let me be bullied or scared out of having my baby at home.

I hadn’t gone into labor with my first at all, and the ladies were all very encouraging and empathetic when my labor would start and stop. Toward the very end, My baby didn’t want to drop. My due date came and went, and still no dilation. I got lots of help, from supplements and teas, to positions for allowing the baby to drop. With these and chiropractic care, I finally went into labor 9 days after my due date. Jenny and Holly came that night to stay with me, and Vicky came the following afternoon. They gave me all kinds of emotional and physical support during my labor, and early evening of day 10, my daughter was born.

The best part about having midwives was all the postpartum care I received. It was so reassuring to be able to call someone at 4 in the morning when I was having nursing problems, or send a photo text to see if her belly button was infected. Anything I needed, they were always right there.

Jenny was always on my side, coaching me and encouraging me, giving me the confidence to not be afraid and letting me know I can always ask for help. Thanks, Jen, Vicky, and Holly, for everything you do to empower maternity and motherhood.